
Hera Mine Ecological and Heritage Assessments

Project Details

The Hera Project is a gold, silver, lead and zinc mine, along with a processing plant and related ancillary infrastructure.

OzArk EHM was involved in completing the initial surveys and reporting required to assess the scientific values present. The impact area is a 1,532 hectare area proposed for the operation of the Hera Mine.

Extensive flora surveys were undertaken, using scientifically approved methods and involved using quadrats and transects . Fauna surveys included spotlighting, dedicated bird surveys and herptofauna searches, Elliot and Pitfall trapping, Anabat detection, call playback and incidental observations.

The results of the ecological assessment have been used in the development approval process.

Once the mine became operation, OzArk completed annual ecological and biodiversity monitoring on non-operational land.

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